Play-doh is fun, fast, and easy. But for a longer, more satisfying project, why not try making your own dough. There are lots of recipes to choose from - here are a few of my favorites.
1 cup fine, clean sand
1/2 cup cornstarch
1 teaspoon Alum
3/4 cup hot water
food coloring if desired
Mix sand, cornstarch and Alum in bowl. Add hot water and stir vigorously. Add food coloring if desired. Cook over medium heat until thick. Let dough cool. Mold into desired shapes (it's fun to use the molds that come in sand play toys) and let dry in the sun for several days. Store any leftover dough in an airtight container in the refrigerator
This dough can be used to make small sandcastles as a memento of your trip to the beach.
This is my favorite recipe for making ornaments and beads. It's a smooth clay and dries very hard. It will absorb moisture from the air, so it's a good idea to coat the finished project with clear nail polish once the paint has dried.
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup cornstarch
2/3 cup warm water
food coloring or poster paints
clear nail polish
Mix baking soda and cornstarch in saucepan. Add water and stir until smooth. Cook over medium heat, boil and stir until "mashed potato consistency". Pour onto board to cool. Knead when cool. For color, knead food coloring into clay (after cooled) until blended, or paint after finished molding.
This dough is perfect for making ice cream cones or snow men. Wonderful texture!
1 cup Ivory Snow laundry detergent
2 cups warm water
food coloring
electric hand mixer or egg beater
Add food coloring to warm water, then add to laundry detergent. Mix well with beater until fluffy. Use just like regular play doh.
We like to make simple shapes for snacks - ladybugs, small teddy bears from balls of dough
3 1/2 cups peanut butter
4 cups powdered sugar
3 1/2 cups corn syrup or honey
4 cups powdered milk
chocolate chips (optional)
Mix the ingredients. Divide into 15 to 20 portions and refrigerate in plastic bags. After washing their hands, have children mold and shape the dough on waxed paper. Provide chocolate chips to be used as decorations if desired.
definitely not edible
1 cup white glue (Elmer's)
1 cup liquid starch
food coloring
Put glue and food coloring into plastic container. Add starch a little at a time, stirring constantly. Keep stirring until mixture holds together like putty. Test with your fingers, if too sticky, add more starch in small amounts until mass is smooth and rubbery. Now, have fun playing with it...stretching, pulling, bouncing, making transfers of the Sunday comics. Store in airtight container.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
It's National Play-Doh Day! Great Dough Recipes!
Posted by
Grandmother Wren
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Labels: crafts